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Plumbing Blowtorch Fire Triangle
Soldering copper pipe requires the use of a plumbing blowtorch and a gas e.g. Propane or MAP//Pro. The main hazard with soldering is fire and soldering has the three fire triangle requirements for fire:
Always keep a fire extinguisher within easy reach when soldering to help minimise the risk of fire and injury.
To minimise risk, DO NOT IGNITE THE PLUMBING BLOWTORCH if you smell, hear or suspect gas is leaking from the blowtorch or gas cylinder. Move the plumbing blowtorch and gas cylinder outside to a well ventilated area away from any ignition or heat source and disconnect the torch from the gas cylinder.
Minimising risk to users of the plumbing blowtorch and property is a legal requirement under Health and Safety Law.
By following Best Practice, risk can be reduced. Importantly when working with gas and a plumbing blowtorch there will be a risk of fire so ensure that a fit for purpose and up to date fire extinguisher is within easy reach when soldering.
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Torch with Interchangeable Tips
The liquid gas inside the cylinder needs latent (hidden) heat through the walls of the cylinder to vaporize and turn into a gas. Prolonged use of the torch or use in cold surroundings makes the vaporization process more difficult. If the transformation from liquid to gas is getting insufficient heat via the cylinder walls the the pressure of gas supplied drops and the tip gets hot. Let the cylinder warm up naturally without any assistance and recommence the job when the cylinder is warmer.
Many torches have anti-flare devices built in. This device is designed to stop the liquid gas in the cylinder reaching the combustion part of the torch. Do not use the torch upside down for long periods.
All products get dropped, knocked, bumped and degrade with normal use, wear and tear. A plumbing blowtorch is an engineered & complicated product.
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